National avocado day 2021 special updates
Now a days due to pandemic corona virus's new form as delta variant, National Fallbrook Avocado Day 2021 has been canceled in fallbrook village (California), while it (Avofest) is being organized virtual in the Carpinteria city of California.
corona virus spreading all over the world in a different waves such as in USA ( 4th wave) and 22 countries including India (3rd wave).
The world's second largest corona wave has also gone. But the third wave of corona is also spreading rapidly, in this stage most of the deadliest cases have increased. People are in panic due to the fastest growing new cases in the world. Worryingly, it rose again after vaccination was introduced.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has mutated, leading to completely different forms of the virus. One of these is named Delta Variant. The delta coronavirus is being considered by the WHO as a "type of concern" because it seems to be transmitted very easily from person to person. As of July 2021, delta is considered to be the most infectious form of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus so far.
National avocado festival is celebrated in 4 no. of countries such as USA, Canada,united kingdom and new Zealand.
how will the national avocado fastival 2021 be celebrated in USA?
Evofest in United status
Delta variant of corona virus is spreading in USA fast as fast. So, this festival (Evofest) will celebrate virtually in carpinteria city of California, united status. So you all can support this festival virtually.
Fallbrokk avocado festival in fallbrook village in California, united status
Due to covid-19 this festival is not allowed to celebrate this year because it has been prohibited or cancelled by health security officers or governor of California state.
In other words, a new vibrant of corona virus, Delta variant is spreading rapidly in USA. So these conditions are applying to prevent spreading of corona virus.
What is avocado?
The avocado (Persia americana), a tree originating from south-central Mexico, is classified as a member of the seed plant family Lauraceae. The fruit of the plant, also known as the Associate in Nursing Avocado (or Edible Fruit or Alligator Pear), is botanically an externally shaped berry containing a large seed. Avocado trees are partially self-pollinating, and are usually propagated through attachment to maintain fruit quality and quantity.
National Avocado Day History
The main objective of celebrating National Avocado Day is to promote the consumption of the fruit. Avocados are huge berries containing a single large seed. They originate from the south-central North American nation and are commonly cultivated in tropical climates. At the moment its aim is to raise awareness about the diet fruit. Avocados are healthy and reduce the risk of cancer. They are also rich in B-complex vitamins that help reduce stress.
National Avocado Day was started in 2018 as a promotion for avocados. It is celebrated annually on 31 July in the Gregorian calendar month.
Nutritions for healthy life
Raw avocado pulp is composed of 73% water, 15%, 9% carbohydrates and 2% protein. A typical 100 grams of avocado contains 160 calories and is a rich source (20% or more of the daily intake).
Avocado contains essential elements that protect against cancer, even it is used for weight loss and fighting heart diseases.
Nutrient-rich avocado oil is expensive to produce, but can be used in salads or cooking, as well as in cosmetics and soap products.
Some people are allergic to avocados. There are two main forms of allergy: People with tree pollen allergies will experience localized symptoms in the mouth and throat soon after eating avocado; Another is called latex fruit syndrome, which is related to latex allergy. Symptoms include generalized hives, abdominal pain and vomiting, and can sometimes be life-threatening.
Some images of previous celebrated avocado festival in California
People celebrating the Avocado festival (avofest) in carpinteria |
California. image source-Twitter |
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People celebrating the avocado festival in fallbrook village California. Image source-Twitter |
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